Saturday, 5 April 2014

LA to Vegas

To 'all' dedicated readers of this blog, sorry for the delay in updates. You must be deperate if this is your fix of entertainment!

As we now know the bus system, we jump on the #20 with two suitcases and hand luggage. One guy in a wheelchair is already on the bus but there's room for us. Shortly after, a homeless man with his belongings loaded on his chair hops on and the fun begins. Jeff eventually hops off through the rear exit, with his suitcase, to reappear at the front. The homeless man was very chatty but do you think Jeff could understand him? Of course not. Anyway now the man knows that Australia is not in Europe and Jeff has been told about the merits of honey buns (food i think).

Eventually we get to the departure point for the bus to Vegas and head off about 30 minutes late. After about an hour of driving through LA and picking up more passengers we are on the way. Vegas in in the desert and most of what we saw was desert. Not totally unattractive but it's desert.

It was amazing though, big highways and plenty of vehicles on the road. (Still not used to left hand drive....although we're not driving. I've imagined seeing cars without drivers and buses going backwards all because my mind is locked into right hand drive.)

Finally get to Vegas, collect tickets for Jersey Boys and find our hotel. Made it!

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