Wednesday, 16 April 2014

New York to Boston and trains.

We've caught trains from Washington to Williamsburg, Williamsburg to New York and finally New York to Boston. Obviously not as quick as a plane but less stressful by far.

All trips were good with generally beautiful scenery, albeit that you often see the industrial part of towns as you pass through them.

The recent trip to Boston was the most picturesque as the train journeyed in a north-easterly direction along Long Island Sound. Coming out of winter, the leaves are still not on the trees but there were many beautiful water views of rivers, inlets and the coast of Connecticut. It's easy to imagine what it would have been like in the past and what drew people to 'the new world'.

Anyway, a few photos of the trip to Boston....


  1. Did Heather see "the Grayson or Amanda Clark (Emily Thorne)!!!!!

  2. We didn't get there.....she says.
